How to find my saved jobs on linkedin?


How to find my saved jobs on linkedin?

To find your saved jobs on LinkedIn, follow these simple steps. First, log in to your LinkedIn account and click on the “Jobs” tab at the top of the page. Then, click on the “Saved Jobs” option on the left-hand side of the screen. Here, you will find a list of all the jobs you have saved. You can also use the search bar to find specific saved jobs by entering keywords or job titles. This feature allows you to easily keep track of the jobs you are interested in and revisit them whenever you want.

How do I remove a job update from LinkedIn?

To delete a job post on LinkedIn, you cannot directly delete it. However, you can effortlessly remove the jobs you have shared from your feed. Follow these steps:

1. Go to the Activity section of your profile and locate the job sharing post.
2. Click on the dropdown menu associated with the post.
3. Choose the option “Delete.”
4. Confirm your decision to delete the post.

By following these steps, you can effectively remove the job post from your feed.

What is the difference between learning path and collection on LinkedIn Learning?

Last updated on April 20, 2022, as a LinkedIn Learning admin, you have the ability to suggest or share links to carefully curated learning paths and your own specialized learning paths and collections. These resources are designed to assist learners within your organization in achieving their learning and professional development objectives.

Learning paths consist of a specific sequence of courses and videos that you want your learners to follow, while collections are groups of courses or videos that can be accessed in any order.

In the Content section of the Learning Management platform, specifically the Library tab, you have the freedom to create numerous learning paths and collections. You can customize these resources by including multiple course sections and descriptions, ensuring a tailored learning experience for your learners.

For further guidance on managing learners and groups, please explore additional resources. You may also find valuable information on curating and recommending content.

We hope this answer has been helpful to you.

Why can’t I delete a LinkedIn Post?

Last updated on February 23, 2022. You have the ability to edit or delete your own posts or comments in a group. However, you cannot delete posts or comments made by other members. Only group owners or managers have the authority to delete posts or comments from other members. If you choose to delete a post or comment, all likes, reactions, and comments associated with it will also be removed.

To make changes to a group post, click on the More icon located in the upper-right corner of the post. From there, you can select Edit post to modify your post or Delete post to remove it entirely.

For editing or deleting a comment, click on the More icon in the upper-right corner of the comment. You can then choose Edit to make changes to your comment or Delete to remove it from the conversation.

If you are accessing the platform from a mobile device, follow these steps:

1. Learn more about Groups.
2. Explore Groups Management.

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Can I delete my LinkedIn account and create a new one?

Jennifer Still wrote this article, last updated on August 14, 2021, at 6:07 AM GMT7.
Image of a business owner using a laptop in a store.
When you delete your LinkedIn account, all your contacts and information will be permanently removed from the site. (Image credit: 10000 Hours/Getty Images)
You can delete your LinkedIn account by accessing the Settings and Privacy page.
Once you delete your account, LinkedIn will erase all your account information within seven days.
Please note that your public LinkedIn profile may still appear on search engines until the caches are refreshed.
LinkedIn stands out as a unique social media platform. Unlike others that focus on sharing curated images or endless scrolling through memes, LinkedIn is dedicated to professional networking for individuals who are passionate about their careers.

However, LinkedIn may not be suitable for everyone, and you might find yourself wanting to delete your account after joining. In such cases, it is important to know how to permanently delete your LinkedIn account.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to delete your LinkedIn account or temporarily deactivate it.”

Should I delete old LinkedIn connections?

How to find my saved jobs on linkedin?
1. Protect Your Reputation

Many recruiters and HR professionals rely on LinkedIn to find potential employees. They can also see who you are connected to on the platform. It is important to avoid being associated with questionable individuals that could damage your reputation or judgment. Make sure to only connect with trustworthy people who can benefit your career.

2. Avoid Spam

Occasionally, you may receive messages from followers who have pre-organized messages to be sent to their connections once you accept their invitation. These messages may seem friendly and simply a thank you for connecting, but they often serve as advertisements for their businesses. In many cases, you can expect follow-up messages requesting assistance with their business, especially if the original message did not include a link. Additionally, these contacts now have access to your email address, which they can easily add to their newsletters.

3. Reduce the Fear of Missing Out

Social media platforms, including LinkedIn, can intensify the fear of missing out. You are constantly exposed to others’ social and professional achievements, which can lead to comparisons and professional envy. Remember that life is not a competition, and you do not need to compare your career to others. If you are only connected to someone for the purpose of examining their career trajectory and there is no personal or professional interaction, it may be time to delete them from your connections.

4. Utilize LinkedIn for Networking, Not Outbound Marketing

Having a large number of connections on LinkedIn provides opportunities to promote your business to a wider audience, free of charge. However, if you accept connection requests from anyone and everyone, you are likely to receive unsolicited advertisements in your inbox. Some individuals may even send weekly messages solely focused on transactions rather than genuine networking.


In conclusion, LinkedIn offers a variety of features and options for users to manage their connections, learning paths, account, and posts. It is important to carefully consider the implications and consequences before making any decisions.

When it comes to deleting old LinkedIn connections, it is advisable to assess the value and relevance of each connection before taking any action. While it may be tempting to delete connections that no longer seem relevant, it is important to consider the potential benefits of maintaining a diverse network and the potential for future opportunities.

Regarding learning paths and collections on LinkedIn Learning, it is essential to understand the difference between the two. Learning paths provide a structured and curated set of courses that are designed to help users develop specific skills or achieve specific goals. On the other hand, collections allow users to save and organize individual courses or learning materials for future reference. Both options offer valuable resources for professional development and growth.

Deleting a LinkedIn account and creating a new one should be approached with caution. While it is possible to delete an account and start fresh, it is important to consider the potential loss of connections, endorsements, and recommendations. Additionally, it is crucial to ensure that any sensitive or personal information is properly removed or protected before deleting the account.

Removing a job update from LinkedIn can be done by accessing the “Activity” section on your profile and locating the specific update you wish to remove. However, it is important to note that once a post has been shared or engaged with by others, it may not be possible to completely delete it. Therefore, it is advisable to exercise caution and think twice before posting any content that may be potentially sensitive or controversial.

Finally, if you are unable to delete a LinkedIn post, it may be due to technical issues or restrictions imposed by the platform. In such cases, it is recommended to reach out to LinkedIn’s customer support for assistance. It is important to remember that maintaining a professional and positive online presence is crucial, and being mindful of the content you share can help avoid any potential issues or difficulties in the future.

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