What is a sponsored job on indeed?


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What is a sponsored job on indeed?

A sponsored job on Indeed is a paid advertising feature that allows employers to boost the visibility of their job postings. By sponsoring a job, employers can ensure that their job listing appears at the top of relevant search results, making it more likely to be seen by job seekers. Sponsored jobs are marked with a “Sponsored” label, distinguishing them from organic search results. This feature helps employers attract more qualified candidates and increase the chances of finding the right fit for their job openings. Sponsored jobs on Indeed offer a valuable opportunity for employers to maximize their recruitment efforts and reach a wider audience.

What is a sponsored job on indeed?

A Sponsored Job is a paid job posting that increases visibility in job seeker search results. This can greatly impact hiring, as employers are 45 times more likely to make a hire when sponsoring a job.

By sponsoring a job, you not only receive all the benefits of a free post but also gain access to advanced hiring tools and benefits that help you compete for top talent.

One of the advantages of a Sponsored Job is better job post visibility. These jobs have more staying power in search results, resulting in 30% more applicants on average compared to nonsponsored jobs.

Additionally, you have the option to add screener questions to your job post. By setting these questions as deal breaker requirements, you only pay for applications that meet these criteria. You also have 72 hours to reject unwanted applications before being charged.

With Instant Match, you can immediately see a list of candidates whose resumes on Indeed fit your job description after paying to post. When someone stands out, you can invite them to apply. Candidates invited through Instant Match are three times more likely to apply compared to those who only see the job in search.

For more details, please refer to our Sponsored Jobs FAQs.

Can employers watch your screen?

What is a sponsored job on indeed?
Yes, employers have the authority and the right to monitor the computers owned by the company. Employers anticipate that their employees will utilize the company-provided computers for work-related tasks and maintain productivity during working hours. Consequently, employers implement monitoring measures in the workplace to oversee the usage of company computers.

When it comes to monitoring workplace computers, employers and managers should be aware that they are permitted to monitor both computers used directly and those accessed through TerminalCitrix sessions. However, it is crucial to ensure that the monitoring software employed does not infringe upon the privacy of employees.

Regarding work hours, it is expected that employees remain focused and productive.

Should I put a 2 month job on my resume?

Are you still unsure? Here are the key questions to ask yourself when deciding whether or not to include a short-term job on your resume:

1. Was the position intended to be short-term, such as seasonal or temporary work? If so, it is likely acceptable to include it.

2. How long were you in the job? If it was less than 6 months, it may be best to leave it off. If it was only a few weeks, definitely leave it off.

3. Is the position relevant to the job you are currently applying for? If your only relevant experience comes from a short-term job, you can consider including it only if you can highlight an achievement in that role.

4. Do you have any significant accomplishments to showcase? If you were in the job for less than 6 months, the answer is likely no.

5. Does it fill a gap in your resume? Generally, gaps shorter than 6 months are not a major concern. However, if you had multiple short-term jobs or side gigs during a longer gap, consider grouping that experience under a single heading.

Can my employer listen to me through my computer?

In general, employees have limited protections and privacy rights in the workplace. Your boss has the authority to monitor your activities to ensure that you are meeting company expectations.

While there are federal laws that aim to protect privacy, they generally do not apply to work-related activities. For instance, the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) prohibits employers from accessing personal emails without a warrant, but this law only applies to Electronic Communications Service (ECS) providers like Gmail, Yahoo, and Outlook, not employers themselves.

Another law that could potentially safeguard your privacy is the Federal Wiretap Act (FWA), but it only applies in specific circumstances. The FWA makes it illegal to intercept any wire, oral, or electronic communication without the consent of at least one party involved. However, employers are exempt from this law. According to the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), if an employer informs its employees that they should not expect privacy in the workplace, they are allowed to conduct video and audio monitoring of work areas and employee conversations. In other words, your boss can listen in on work-related conversations and record them as long as they have informed you about it.

In most cases, your boss has the ability to track your every move. While you may feel uncomfortable with this level of monitoring, there is little you can do to change it.

If you find yourself in trouble or lose your job due to something your employer discovered while monitoring you without your knowledge, there is likely little recourse available to you. According to Emory Roane, privacy counsel at the nonprofit organization Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, almost all forms of employee surveillance are legal.

Is it better to use my resume or Indeed resume?

When applying for jobs with an Indeed resume, it is important to understand a few key points. Many people are unaware of this information, which could be hindering their chances of success. If you have taken the time to create a visually appealing resume or used a template, it is crucial to know that when you sign up or log into Indeed.com, you will be prompted to create an Indeed Resume. However, this resume is extremely basic and may not showcase your unique skills and qualifications.

Fortunately, there is an alternative. You have the option to upload a nicely designed PDF version of your resume, which is more modern and reflects your true abilities. The problem arises when you actually apply for jobs using your Indeed resume. In most cases, the employer will receive the basic Indeed resume instead of your impressive PDF version. This means that all your efforts to stand out from the competition with a beautifully designed resume will go unnoticed.

To ensure that the employer receives your unique PDF resume, it is best to avoid creating an Indeed resume altogether. Instead, apply to each job directly with your PDF resume. Additionally, take the time to tailor your resume to each specific job you apply for. This will demonstrate your attention to detail and increase your chances of landing the job.

It is important to note that the Indeed resume is designed to easily pass through applicant tracking systems, regardless of their age. However, by relying on the basic Indeed resume, you run the risk of not being noticed or standing out among other applicants. This defeats the purpose of using a professionally designed resume template, which is meant to help you make a strong impression. Rest assured, my templates are all compatible with applicant tracking systems.

If you would like a visual explanation of which resume gets sent to the employer, Indeed provides a video explanation. Ultimately, the choice is yours. Armed with this knowledge, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your job search goals.

Best of luck in your job hunting endeavors, and may you land the perfect opportunity.

How can you tell a fake job email?

Attention students: Beware of job scam emails targeting your student email addresses. These deceptive emails aim to deceive you into applying for fraudulent jobs that may require you to provide personal information or engage in illegal activities. Before corresponding with any employer or representative via email or phone, please verify their legitimacy with UH University Career Services.

If you suspect that you have responded to a scam email regarding a job opportunity, please follow these steps:

1. Notify Information Security at securityuhedu or call 8328424695. You will be asked to forward your PeopleSoft ID and any email or text message correspondence you have had with the scammer.
2. To safeguard your UH information, set up your PeopleSoft password security questions if you haven’t already, and then reset your PeopleSoft and CougarNet account passwords.
– Log into AccessUH at accessuhuhedu and click the myUH icon.
– Look for the “Setup Security Questions” option on the left menu.
– Set up two questions with answers only you will know.
– Reset your myUH PeopleSoft and CougarNet passwords using the Password Wizard at wwwuhedupassword.
3. Report the scam to the UH Police Department at 4051 Wheeler Avenue, Houston, TX 77204, or by phone at 7137433333. Inform them that Information Security requested you to make the report.

Here are some ways to identify a job scam email:

1. The email is unsolicited, meaning you did not contact the company about the job. Legitimate companies do not send generic unsolicited emails regarding job opportunities.
2. The email is from a Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook address. Legitimate companies should use their corporate email accounts for communication. UH does not post jobs from employers without corporate email accounts.
3. The email does not address you by name. If your information was obtained from a job board, school database, or Career Services office, the email should address you directly, not with generic greetings like “Hello Student” or “Good Morning.”
4. They ask to continue the conversation using an alternative email, not your UH email. This tactic prevents UH email protections from identifying the scam email.
5. They ask to continue the conversation via text. Legitimate offers should be discussed through email for proper documentation.
6. They request personal information in the email or include a link to a Google Docs form. Legitimate job opportunities require you to apply and provide personal information through an official application on the company’s website.
7. The email contains grammatical or spelling errors. Scam emails often neglect to spell check or grammar check their outgoing messages.
8. There is no contact information for the sender. Any legitimate email from a company’s Human Resources or Recruiting department should include a signature line with the sender’s name, title, and contact information.
9. The email asks you to visit a non-UH website. UH will only direct you to official career center websites on campus.

If you receive an email containing any of these warning signs, delete it immediately. There is no need to respond. If you have any doubts about the legitimacy of an email, forward it to securityuhedu for further investigation.



In conclusion, it is essential to be cautious and vigilant when it comes to job emails to avoid falling victim to fake job offers. By paying attention to the warning signs such as poor grammar, suspicious email addresses, and requests for personal information, job seekers can protect themselves from potential scams. It is always recommended to verify the legitimacy of the email by contacting the company directly through their official website or phone number.

When it comes to including a short-term job on your resume, it ultimately depends on the circumstances and relevance to your career goals. If the two-month job is relevant to the position you are applying for or showcases valuable skills, it can be worth including. However, if it does not add significant value or may raise questions about your commitment, it may be best to leave it off. Remember, the purpose of a resume is to highlight your qualifications and experiences that are most relevant to the job you are applying for.

As for employers watching your screen, it is important to be aware that some companies may have monitoring systems in place to ensure productivity and prevent misuse of company resources. While it is legal for employers to monitor employee activities on company-owned devices during work hours, it is crucial for employers to communicate their monitoring policies clearly to employees to maintain transparency and trust.

Regarding the question of whether employers can listen to employees through their computers, it is highly unlikely and generally illegal for employers to listen to employees through their computers without their knowledge or consent. However, it is important to be aware of any company policies regarding computer usage and privacy. Employees should always be cautious about the information they share and ensure they are using secure and private communication channels when discussing sensitive matters.

In today’s digital age, it is crucial for job seekers and employees to stay informed and educated about their rights and best practices. By being proactive and cautious, individuals can navigate the job market and workplace with confidence and protect themselves from potential risks and privacy breaches.

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